Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Class 3 Readings (1/30/08)

What Is Web 2.0

This article gives a great overview of the differences in web 1.0 and web 2.0. This article was very simply laid out and provides the most basic ability for any one to understand differences.

The New Wisdom of the Web

This was an article mostly on my space, but I gather the primary purpose of these types of web sites is so that people may keep in touch with each other. I on the other hand see these types of web sites and nothing more then internet graffiti. It has become a place for kids to say anything the want with out fear of reprisal. I feel that these web sites do nothing more then give them another median for them to create there own propaganda. On the flip side, in the right hands it can also be the greatest tool for friends and relatives to keep in touch worlds apart.

Social Bookmarking
This article is about the uses of “social bookmaking” or make a web page of web page links. This would be something that is useful in a mass media environment, not something that I would recommend for the average individual that is sharing a few links with there friends. This would be a great idea for teacher and alike.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Class 2 Readings (1/28/08)

A Day in the Life of Web 2.0

All I can do when I read these types of articles is think that it must me nice to work in an environment where they are not worried about standardized tests and directors of curriculum that leave the teaching to the teachers. However, at my school I have to deal with the above things and that allows very little room for imagination and teaching.

Web 2.0 Blog

Open Web identity, which will ultimately form the global "primary key" for social graph nodes, will not get anywhere soon. The need to keep the web “open” ended, to keep the internet free from control and to allow the user to be in control of there use and not by corporation or the government. The Web 2.0 industry consolidates as it begins to mature. The use of the internet comes together as more of an organized tool and less of a “neat” idea. The Web moves into the living room as sites make it practical and rewarding to participate on the Web using a large screen for entertainment. The idea that we can watch movies right off the web to seeing a slide show on our big LCD TV in our living rooms. There are so many diverse things going on in the universe that we need to keep on top of a universal means by witch to communicate with, the internet.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


This is my Blog for reading responses for EDT 547, Spring 08 semester.